Monday, December 5, 2016

For the first couple weeks of class it was like I was trying to learn a new language. I like the way Mr.Mcgarvey started from the beginning and went through everything fairly at a good peace. A thing that had me frustrated and still trying to figure it out is having to save things using all these different websites and Dreamweaver. A thing I think is cool is that if you use a .html tag it become a website that you can preview. I think the .html was good learning but also made me frustrating because you can have all your coding right but you missed one capital letter or didn’t save it where all website can preview drives me crazy. An assignment I worked really hard on was I want to say chapter 6.8 the index exercise because I couldn’t get the letters to highlight. It took me almost 15 just to get the letters to highlight and go the alphabet I wanted it to. When I finally figured it out I just keep on playing with it and it just felt good to been able to fix the problem by myself.

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