Monday, October 31, 2016

Twitter Post

Using Twitter, I think is beneficial in more ways than it causes harm. I think with this particular social media I learn a lot with what’s going on around the world by people retweeting things and favoring things. I think this social media do have a role in our school setting. The reason why I say that is because our generations is attach to social media. I feel like schools don't use social media to their advantages. If school somehow will use social media to implement in the class not only do, I think student will listen more I also think student will trust they teacher more. In my personal profession which is coaching we use twitter all the time for new update with player, updates with other teams, tournament and to see how the kid act on social media.  
Barry Bell
Project Plan
Site Title: Folks Basketball Academy
Developer: Barry Bell
Rational or focus: Folks Basketball Academy focus on the fundamentals of basketball. Our goal is to push these kids mentally and physically to be the best basketball players hey can be. We will be going through different drills to work on their skill set.
Main features outline: About, Camps, Training, contact, and price
Target audience: youth ages from 5-18
Design Considerations: Pictures with kids working out, basketball, training drills, and guest speakers to the kids
Limiting factors: Don’t know how to make pictures move from picture to picture or don’t know how to make tabs drop down from the main header.
Content:  My main page is to get youth to sign up for my basketball academy

Monday, October 17, 2016

Barry Bell
Journal 3
Reading this article was very interesting to see what people think about having social media implement in class. I agree with the article on how social media is dangerous for both students and teachers. The reason I think that because both the professor and students can’t really respond how they want to respond to the topic. The professors and students will always have to show code of ethic if they using social media because they might say something that offend someone. The only social media I think will work for class is Twitter. The reason why I think Twitter will work, because you can use hashtags where anybody can use that hashtag. Taking this route, I think it will make it an open discuss to all. In a previous class I use a hashtag for Twitter for class and people across the world was talking about the same topic and using the same hashtag as us. With all this said I still don’t think this should be a mandatory thing. Like in the article people will like to have they their personal social life different from their school life.
1.Is social media that impactful in our society where teachers should implement it in our classroom?
I think social media is a big part of our society; but I don’t think it’s coming to a point where teachers have to implement in his/her classroom. A thing I do think teachers should do is use more social media articles to talk about some of the topics in today’s society. 
2.Is there really a benefit with social media being implement in class?

-In my opinion, I don’t think there is a benefit of having social media implement in class. The reason I say that is because if you really want to ask a teacher about their opinion on a topic I feel like you can ask them through email or in class.