Monday, October 10, 2016

My overall experience with Digg has been good. I use Digg to read about current events going on worldwide; but what I mainly use it is to read articles about sports. I like this page because it gives you articles you have never seen before. I check Digg about three times out the week and read about two to three articles. Digg can help you get updated around the world by looking and reading articles. After this class I probably will still use Digg when I just want to read about college basketball. Another thing I like about this is that this website is easy to navigate. A thing I don’t like about Digg is that sometimes the articles don’t have enough information, so I be wondering why they have this article on the main page. I like how Digg has some videos to go with the articles.  The infinitely group I join is #collegebasketballcoach on Twitter. Joining this group is a quick way I just stay up on the basketball information.

How is Digg used in my profession?
My profession is a College Basketball Coach and Digg is used in my profession in a unique way. The way it will be used is reading articles and seeing what rules are being broke and see what is okay and not okay to do. Also it helps to see what recent things is happening in the basketball world not only with the player but coaches and officials.

What can Digg do to upgrade the website in your opinion?
I think Digg can update the website is by having hashtags for hot topic around the world. This way if they log on Digg they can see the top ten hashtags and see what the world think is important right now. The use of this will be like twitter but it will have articles behind these main ideas.

1 comment:

  1. I find it very interesting on the way that you would use Digg as a basketball coach. It does seem like a good way to keep up to date on new rules or modifications of rules.

